She calls herself a Sconnie girl and is happy to be back home. Growing up in Wisconsin, Zoe Davies has always been on a mission. She spent 15 years away from Wisconsin after graduating high school and attending the Air Force Academy. Today Major Zoe Davies is an U.S. Air Force fighter pilot stationed at Truax Field in Madison.
Her primary office is the cockpit of a supersonic F-16 fighter jet. She flies training missions several times a month. Flying in that airspace over Wisconsin brings a sense of pride and accomplishment. “I can’t tell you how much I have felt that specifically flying over my home state and getting to recognize the geographic features of Wisconsin. Getting to fly over my hometown, getting to fly over my mom’s house. It’s the most patriotic thing that you can feel, to know that you’re out there protecting your country.”
Zoe knew from an early age that she wanted to be a pilot after seeing a female pilot at EAA in Oshkosh. Along with a fierce determination she took what might have been a pie in the sky idea and turned it into reality.