‘Hope Floats’: Humanity restored with message in a bottle
Sending a message in a bottle has been romanticized for centuries. People have even cast bottles for scientific purposes. And ...
Where does the ‘Driftless Area’ get its name? The history, boundaries of the southwest Wisconsin region
As people enter the Driftless Area of southwestern Wisconsin, they're transported from a relatively flat region to a sudden maze ...
One tough rock: Central Wisconsin’s Rib Mountain survived volcanoes, erosion and glaciers
There's a rumor that Rib Mountain in central Wisconsin is an extinct volcano. It seems somewhat reasonable...You can see it ...
It ‘Looks Like A Square Root Symbol’: How Pepin County Got Its Shape
Dunn County in western Wisconsin once had access to the Mississippi River. Its early boundary held for four years until ...
Why Isn’t The UP Part Of Wisconsin?
Geographically, the Upper Peninsula of Michigan is only connected to the Lower Peninsula by a bridge. With Wisconsin, it shares ...