Animated Short Explores A Family Tradition Of Giving In “Something About A Flower: The Fortune We Share”
Something About a Flower: The Fortune We Share is an animated short focused on the perspective of a young girl ...
SAAF #8: Tea Party
Greg gets left to host Rose’s tea party.
SAAF #7: Rain, Rain, Go Away
Rose gets caught in a downpour.
SAAF #6: Dad Knows Best
Greg and Papa Larry work together to build Rose her new toy.
SAAF #4: Bad Hair Day
Rose wakes up with a bad hair day until her dad comes to the rescue.
SAAF #3: Who’s Here?
A knock at the door leaves Rose wondering who could be visiting.
SAAF #2: The Heist
Rose and Tina find themselves hanging around Papa Larry for the day.
SAAF #1: Something About A Flower
Greg reflects on the joys of being a father.