Ethan Freel
Ethan Freel is a videographer and editor for "Wisconsin Life" and has seen a Hodag in some woods Northwest of ...
Lina Soblytė
Lina Soblytė is a Lithuanian videographer and editor for "Wisconsin Life" who loves the outdoors, and she will climb a ...
Tom Micksch
Tom Micksch does something for the "Wisconsin Life" project (though no one is quite sure what); and being born and ...
Michael Eicher
Michael Eicher is a videographer and editor for "Wisconsin Life," and his love of downhill skiing prompts the winter mantra; more ...
Mike Baron
Mike Baron is a videographer and editor for the "Wisconsin Life" project and lives in a divided home of Packers and ...
Will Salzmann
Will Salzmann is a videographer for PBS Wisconsin who also serves as a volunteer firefighter.