October 2, 2019
“First Day of School” is an animated version of the story written by Jo Shaffer describing the dreadful anxieties that came with the first day of school. Jo takes us ...
September 2, 2015
On the near west side of Madison, there’s a triangle-shaped patch of grass in the middle of the Hillington Green neighborhood. Ingeniously, we call it Triangle Park. Though it contains ...
January 27, 2015
Editor's Note: Many people believe that anyone with a mouth can be a stand-up comedian. But standing on a stage in front of a crowd to prove how funny you ...
April 25, 2014
Wisconsin is a sports loving state. But what if you aren’t all that good or interested in them? Joe Shaffer tells us about his many ill-fated attempts to get in ...
January 8, 2014
Eighty-five years ago, Wisconsin began issuing driver’s licenses. Ever since, earning one has been an eagerly anticipated rite of passage for teenagers. Today, high school student Joe Shaffer tells us ...
September 6, 2013
Thousands of Wisconsin kids went back to school this week. This time of year elicits a range of emotions from both adults and kids: happiness, fear, excitement, sadness. Joe Shaffer ...