Competitive Cheerleaders Are Serious Athletes

By Jen Hadley | December 17, 2015


You won’t see competitive all-star cheerleaders on the sidelines. These athletes practice year-round, and compete across the Midwest and the country. Can they pack in more jumps, stunts, pyramids, and tumbling in under three minutes than the other teams? But before competition season starts, three Wisconsin teams meet in the “spirit” of friendship. The Green Bay Elite, Storm Elite of Stevens Point and Fury Athletics of Madison spend a day just showing their stuff to the most appreciative audience of all: each other .

See more: Competitive Cheer Coaches Explain the Sport.

Jen Hadley

Jen Hadley

Jen Hadley is a motion graphics designer for the “Wisconsin Life” project who says the only tattoo that she would ever consider getting would be the outline of the state of Wisconsin.
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