Woman Recalls First Flight In A Glider And Her Forty Years Of Soaring Since

By Andy Soth | July 22, 2014


As a child, Judy Ruprecht dreamt she could fly like a bird As a teenager, she went for a flight in a glider. When the pilot turned over the controls to her, assuring her that indeed she could fly, Judy was hooked. She has since flown gliders for over forty years. The sport is called “Soaring” and it involves much more than being pulled up high in the sky and gliding downward.

Experienced pilots like Judy read the clouds and landscape to find where warm air is rising and use those updrafts to keep flying for a surprisingly long time. Click here to learn a bit more about the science behind staying aloft on a glider.

Andy Soth

Andy Soth

Andy Soth is a reporter for the “Wisconsin Life” project who grew up in a neighboring state but now loves Wisconsin because it’s like Minnesota without the smugness. 
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