
In This Animated Story, Author Benjamin Percy Tells How He Came To Love Wisconsin

By Michaela Vatcheva, Scott Stetson and Joe Hardtke | October 7, 2014


Many of us come to love Wisconsin by birth. But for others, it comes through marriage. Writer Benjamin Percy tells us how Wisconsin became his state-in-law.

Design & Animation: Michaela Vatcheva and Scott Stetson

Sound Design: Joe Hardtke

Michaela Vatcheva

Michaela Vatcheva

Michaela Vatcheva is a motion graphics designer, producer and videographer for the “Wisconsin Life” project. A passionate sailor, she feels fortunate to live in a state with over 15,000 lakes. 
Scott Stetson

Scott Stetson

Scott Stetson is an illustrator/animator for the Wisconsin Life project. He is a lifelong Midwesterner and Wisconsinite since 2007.
Joe Hardtke

Joe Hardtke

Joe Hardtke is technical director and sound designer for “Wisconsin Life” radio segments.  He was raised on a dairy farm in Kewaunee County, spending most of his youth milking cows and bailing hay. If that isn’t Wisconsin enough, his first broadcast gig was at a polka radio station.
2019-02-18T16:41:09-06:00Tags: , , , |

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