Witness to change: The evolution of Milwaukee’s Layton Park
Cities inevitably change through the decades. People move in and out. Businesses come and go. Often times, these shifts are ...
See Me
Most days, I wake up and I’m just me, Jan… a wife with a loving husband, a mom with three ...
Retired Milwaukee Teacher Plays Latin Music In Grupo Renacer
Margarita Sandoval Skare is a second-generation Mexican-American who loves to call Milwaukee home. She was born and raised just a ...
Musician Raphael Baez One Of First Mexicans To Call Milwaukee Home
Raphael Baez was one of the first Mexicans to call Milwaukee home. Trained as a classical musician in Mexico, Baez ...
Lost and Found Language
Cinco de Mayo is the annual celebration of Mexican heritage, and one of the fastest growing holidays in America. Today, ...