‘Emily and the Haunting of the Orpheum Theater’: A radio drama
Spooky tales around Halloween have made their way into listeners' ears across the country since, almost, the birth of radio. ...
‘Dream, Quickie! Dream!’ brings Donald Driver’s children’s books to the stage
Following your dreams. The power of perseverance. Being a good friend. Words to live by for Donald Driver on his ...
Aspiring Actor Is Apprentice At American Players Theatre
“Being able to find yourself in someone so different than you is just a feeling that is unmatched, and I ...
Casting: There Are No Small Parts
Casting is the first and perhaps most important part of a production. It’s not – as you might imagine – ...
Corin Reilly’s Living His Acting Dreams
Corin Reilly always wanted to be an actor. He found a way to live his dream as part of Encore ...
Director Connects With Her Performers and Herself
Encore Studio for the performing arts is the only professional theater company for people with disabilities in Wisconsin, and one ...
Shakespeare Workshop Helps Veterans Heal
Milwaukee actor and therapist Nancy Smith-Watson and her husband have always loved Shakespeare. “Shakespeare tells the best stories. He tells ...
Wisconsin Life #408: “Creative Origins”
This collection of stories from people sharing their “Wisconsin Life” includes the story of a team of four UW-Barron engineering ...
Cross Plains Man Realizes Dream To Create A Musical
Coffee is a popular source of morning energy to many people, but to musician Joe “Snare” Vosen, coffee represents more ...
Han Solo In Ripon: Harrison Ford’s Wisconsin Roots
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away from Hollywood, future movie star Harrison Ford was coming of ...
Small Town Theater Is A Family Affair
It's a Sunday night in Stanley, WI, (population 3,600) and the Stanley Theater is hopping. Groups of kids and families ...
Broadway Shines Bright Due To A Middleton Company
From the world’s tallest building in Dubai, to Main Street Disney in Orlando, to the lights on Broadway in New ...
Young Actors Perform Shakespeare Plays
In a small church turned theater on Madison’s West side an unusual theater company presents some of Western literature’s greatest ...
Bringing Shakespeare To Kids
Milwaukee-based actor Ron Scot Fry has been traveling around the world introducing kids to Shakespeare for years. He tells us ...
Discovering Orson Welles’ Wisconsin Roots
People don’t associate Orson Welles with Wisconsin. Even biographers gloss over the fact that the brilliant theater, radio, and film ...