Animated Short Explores A Family Tradition Of Giving In “Something About A Flower: The Fortune We Share”

By Rodney Lambright II and Brandon Ribordy | November 24, 2017


Something About a Flower: The Fortune We Share is an animated short focused on the perspective of a young girl named Rose and her family’s traditional Sunday dinner that takes a turn for the unexpected. This animation is an adaption of the comic strip “Something About a Flower” created by Rodney Lambright II featured on Wisconsin Life’s e-newsletter and website. Lambright’s opportunity to produce the animated short has given him the ability to connect the narrative from the comic strip to the animation making an interesting transmedia storytelling experience.

Meet the Creator of the Wisconsin Life comic strip “Something About a Flower”

Meet the Voice Actors and Go Behind-The-Scenes of “The Fortune We Share” Animation

Meet the Creators and Go Behind-The-Scenes of “The Fortune We Share” Animation

Rodney Lambright II

Rodney Lambright II

Rodney Lambright II is an animator and storyteller for Wisconsin Life project who moved from Illinois to the wide open spaces of Wisconsin in the 7th grade and found great opportunities for years to come.
Brandon Ribordy

Brandon Ribordy

Brandon Ribordy is an animator for the “Wisconsin Life” project who also designs scenery for theatre, other PBS Wisconsin’s productions and “The Antiques Roadshow” … and spends his spare time at home, playing with his two boys.
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